A couple of months ago, something happened that made me question
this so-called “inappropriate use of the E.R.” Let me tell you about a
previously healthy young woman, an emergency physician, who came back from her
shift at the Brigham & Women’s E.R. feeling a bit under the weather. She
was a little nauseous, but was able to eat the Chinese take-out dinner that her
husband brought back. Right after dinner, she went to bed, but couldn’t sleep
because she developed a gnawing abdominal pain. Then, she began throwing up,
and kept throwing up at least ten times in the next hour.
Being a physician, she came up with a differential diagnosis.
This was most likely stomach flu: a simple viral illness. However, stomach flu
generally involves diarrhea, which she didn’t have, and she really didn’t have
other viral symptoms. It could be bad food, but her husband ate the same thing
(and she, being Chinese, was sick of Chinese food always being blamed as the
culprit). Any woman could be pregnant, and though the suddenness of her
symptoms made that less likely, an ectopic pregnancy was theoretically
So she set about to self-diagnose and self-treat. She sent her
husband to the local 24-hour CVS to buy a pregnancy test and to pick up a
nausea medication that she prescribed herself. The test was negative and the
medication made her vomiting stop, but as the morning came, her abdominal pain
was still there. In fact, it was now localized more to the right lower side,
and it hurt her to walk.
I’m sure you see where this is going. You’re probably
thinking to yourself whether you would have bitten the bullet and gone to the
E.R. to make sure you don’t have appendicitis. Well, this young woman was me,
and I was trying to avoid checking in as a patient, getting the radiation
from a CT scan, and burdening our overtaxed healthcare system. Fortunately, I
was able to call and find out the E.R. attending that day was an ultrasound
specialist. She did me a favor to ultrasound me, and found that my appendix
looked fine, but my intestines looked inflamed—consistent with stomach flu. I
got my diagnosis, and over the next few days, I recovered with no radiation and
my appendix intact.
Had someone like me actually checked in as a patient, I
could see how there might be grumbling from the providers. “A young woman with stomach
flu who’s actually getting better—why is she here?” “If she doesn’t want a CT, why did she come to
the E.R.?”

My flirtation with the E.R. has made me more sympathetic to
our patients who come in with seemingly “non-E.R.” complaints. It also has me
thinking on the larger scale about proposed policies that impose penalties to
our patients for using the E.R. Don’t get me wrong; there is a need for more primary
care doctors, and our patients will benefit from increased access to primary
care. However, patients don’t always know whether they have primary care versus
emergency complaints. So I turned out to have stomach flu, something a primary
care doctor can address. But had I been a “normal” patient, I wouldn’t have
been able to treat my own symptoms and then walked into get a favor from a
specialist physician—surely, I would have had to check into the E.R. to be
seen. Would it have been fair to penalize me for that E.R. visit when it turned out that I had a less-than-emergent illness?
It’s important that our policy-makers consider that even
well-informed patients with good access to primary care need the E.R. For our
part, we as emergency physicians need to stop complaining about our patients
and embrace our duty at the frontlines of medical care, sorting out all patient
presentations and working to diagnose and treat all of our patients.
Portions of this article appeared in my column for CommonSense, the newsletter of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine. Thanks for
reading; I welcome your comments.